Today, there are more women in shipping than ever before. We profile the diverse range of roles undertaken by women in the operations of the Panama Canal and the services connected to it.

During recent international maritime conferences, there has been a lot of talk about diversity, equity, and inclusion and today, there are more women in shipping than ever before.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is an active supporter of gender equality and the empowerment of women through gender specific fellowships; by facilitating access to high-level technical training for women in the maritime sector in developing countries; by creating an environment in which women are identified and selected for career development opportunities in maritime administrations, ports and maritime training institutes; and by facilitating the establishment of professional women in maritime associations, particularly in developing countries.

The Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA International) was granted consultative status with IMO in 2018. WISTA can now formally contribute to discussions about increasing capacity in the maritime industry, a critical component of which is promoting women in the industry, both shoreside and shipboard, and showcasing the varied technical skills and leadership that women can and do bring to the industry. WISTA’s efforts support the overarching principles in IMO’s Strategic Plan, especially the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.

Within this historically male dominated industry, taking the stage are the shipowners, ship management executives, logistics entrepreneurs, terminal general managers, port and maritime authorities, marketing vice presidents and shipping lines financial CEOs, ship registrars, and more… but little is said of those women who, in the field, compete in a physical male environment, operating heavy equipment for pay sometimes inferior to their workmates.

Globally, women constitute only 2% of the seafaring workforce. Furthermore, overall, they account for just 29% of the workforce within the maritime industry, according to WISTA International’s data.

In Panama, women have been present in the development of the maritime sector since the construction of the Panama Canal and have accompanied the evolution and growth of today’s flourishing local maritime industry.

Archives of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) report that ‘since June 1904, when the first woman was employed by the Isthmian Canal Commission as a superintendent of nurses, women have been making significant contributions to the Canal operations. During the construction period, the participation of women in the work force gradually increased and by 1908, there were 205 women on the rolls of the Isthmian Canal Commission. Most women held positions traditionally reserved for members of their gender, they have recently increased their participation in areas traditionally occupied by men.’

It has been a long process, often invisible, most of the time but women have gained responsibility, rank, and status in all departments of Canal activity, leading the way to increasing involvement in other sectors of the local maritime industry.

In June 1988, Sarah Terry made history by becoming the first woman to graduate from the Panama Canal towboat training programme and the first qualified woman pilot after completing the pilot-in-training programme. She retired in 2001.

The first Panamanian female Canal Pilot is Captain Vilma Romero, who began her career in September 1998. There are currently six female Panama Canal Pilots. Romero is followed by Panamanian captains Marianela Smith, Katherine Rodriguez, Carolina de Acosta, Veronica Will, and Paola Castillo.

Today, of the Panama Canal’s total workforce of 8,493 permanent members, 1,018 are women of whom 163 are assigned to non-traditional positions.

As we researched this story, we discovered that women were present in surprising positions at the Panama Canal, terminals, bunkering, tug operations, even shipyards and others.

The following nominees are a simple demonstration of some dauntless women challenging traditional concepts for making a career ‘in the field’ where no one expects them to compete. They are leaders, pushing competition to the edge and surprising masters of their time by balancing family, personal and professional life. A big hurrah to them!

Source: https://www.seatrade-maritime.com/

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